Sea Walks Coaching & Bodyboarding Adventures!

People are looking for purpose and meaning in life. So many individuals may be outwardly successful but inwardly dry and empty. They have a “God-Shaped” hole in them that needs filling. I call them the “living dead” because they walk through life asleep when God wants to awaken their consciousness. Why does God want to wake them up? So they can find their True Selves and see what is happening around and inside of them.

When I say “God,” I am not pushing any religion. I mean the loving God of your understanding who made this beautiful world and all that is in it. My faith in this Creator and my deep connection with bodyboarding fill my life with joyful purpose and sacred meaning. I call this Ultimate Reality, “the God who speaks to me in the Sea.”

Finding Your True Self

As a bodyboarder, I became a life, relationship, success, and leadership coach so I could help people find their True Selves. Some of my clients call me the “Dream Catcher.” I help people awaken to the dreams that God placed within them. Often those dreams get lost over the years during their childhood and the painful traumas of early adulthood. They chose to become the person they were “supposed” to be or expected to be (Shadow Self) and not the one they wanted to be (True Self).

The Shadow Self is the person that emerged because of the limiting beliefs and lies about ourselves and the world around us we inherited as children. We developed character defects to protect those accepted beliefs. The Shadow Self takes us down the path of fear, anxiety, and pride. The True Self is the creative, joyful, and awake person God intended us to be when we came into this world.

I help people turn the corner on where they are and where they want to be in life. Once my clients awaken to their True Selves, and their purpose becomes more evident, they are ready to move forward in life with confidence.

My passion in life coaching is to help my clients begin the journey to find their life purpose, dream great dreams for their lives. Also, I guide them to create a plan to help them turn those dreams into realities.

Can A Bodyboarder Coach?

I have over twenty years of experience in coaching and mentoring. I am a certified Life and Relationship Coach, trained and mentored through Lifeforming Leadership Coaching (Virginia Beach) as well as with The Relationship Coaching Institute (Campbell, California). I work primarily with single professional women and men and pre-committed couples. However, some of the professional women I work with are married and have families.

Recently, I became a certified Success Coach with the Jack Canfield Group and a certified Leadership Coach with the John Maxwell Team. Also, I completed an earned doctorate in 2014 in peace studies. Below is a link to my coaching website of testimonials of people I have worked with over the years.

Peace on Earth!

In addition to being a life and relationship coach, I am a peace and human rights activist. I have worked for almost 15 years in building bridges of peacemaking, friendship, and reconciliation between Muslims and Christians in the U.S. and overseas. Through the years, I have learned that coaching not only helps individuals, but it also transforms and brings diverse communities in conflict together as friends. Once they become friends, start eating together, sharing their faith and culture, then they can settle their differences and work together for the common good of all. Coaching works on so many different levels.

If you would like to learn more about my peacebuilding efforts, you can check out my Peace Blog and YouTube Channel below:


I have been married to Oceana, the love of my life, for 34 years. She loves art, reading, and connecting with beauty in nature. Also, I am the dad to my twelve-year-old beautiful, energetic daughter Olivia. She loves swimming, surfing, bodyboarding, cooking, and anything techy. She is my bodyboarding buddy!

Empowering Women

Working as a peacemaker and human rights activist has given me a deep empathy for the empowerment of women and the unique issues they face. I developed a specialized niche within Carolina Coastal Coaching that is just for women. I coach women by helping them create a life of purpose and abundance. A life they have dreamed about. A life they can love living. Once that vision for their lives is more apparent in their hearts and minds, I then coach them on how they can find the love of their life (if they are looking for a partner); a soul-mate who is compatible with their dreams, purpose, requirements, needs and wants.

Let’s Talk

If you are looking for the love of your life or creating a life of purpose and abundance that you can love, then let’s take a coaching journey together. Contact me at Jeff.CarolinaCoastalCoaching@Gmail.Com for a FREE, no-obligation, 30 to 45-minute coaching session to see if you qualify for a coaching journey with Carolina Coastal Coaching. Also, you can contact me on this website if you prefer. Let the adventure begin!

Come Take A Walk or Bodyboard With Me At The Sea!

In 2014 I created a new specialized coaching service through Carolina Coastal Coaching that was initially intended just for men. Still, I decided to open it up to women also since most of my clients are females. This specialized coaching service is called Sea Walks Coaching.

Since I moved to the coast men from all over the country and some from overseas came to take coaching walks with me by the sea. Men have told me that they enjoyed this type of informal coaching so much and that it transformed their lives. Some wanted to take long sea walks while others wanted to chill and bodyboard together. I have heard a lot of confessions and life struggles while waiting between sets to catch the next wave with these guys. Something extraordinary would happen as we walked or hung out in the sea.

What kind of men came for personal coaching as they walked by the sea or bodyboarded with me?

These individuals came from all walks of life. Some were business owners. Others were pastors and ministers. One worked for a large corporation. Some were students. All of them had one thing in common. They wanted to have an extended coaching session by the sea that focused on a critical issue, problem, or questions they wanted to untangle. They usually brought more than one topic with them to discuss.

The results have been amazing. There is something spiritual and almost magical that happens when you take a walking or bodyboarding coaching session in or by the sea. I cannot explain it, but it works! Even I am blown away by the powerful coaching synergy that takes place when combining a sea walk or bodyboarding with an extended coaching session.

Some major corporations now have business walks where they do the majority of their staff meetings while walking in a park, natural session, or by water! I knew I was on to something when I started researching this.

Also, I added bodyboarding in place of walking for those men and women who want to cut loose in some excellent surf and feel like they are ten years old again.

How Does It Work?

If you are interested in participating in a Sea Walk: A Journey Towards Re-Creation or a Bodyboarding Coaching Adventure, then here is how it works.

  1. Think of a problem, issue, or concern that you are facing and would like to process or untangle in your Sea Walk or BodyBoarding Coaching session. Then schedule a time with me to take a Sea Walk or Bodyboarding adventure. Remember, you can bring multiple topics. You can email me a to set up a time to talk about planning your journey and adventure towards re-creation.
  2. All of my Sea Walks or Bodyboarding Adventures typically take place on Fridays from 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM. I am, however, open to other times if I have availability. If you choose the Bodyboarding option, we will need to schedule your wave adventure around low tide.
  3. The Sea Walk begins at the Carolina Beach pier and ends at the Kure Beach pier. This walk is approximately 4.8 miles. We stop mid-way for a snack.
  4. Once we reach the Kure Beach pier, we have lunch at one of the restaurants near the pier. Lunch is included in your coaching package purchase.
  5. If you are interested in taking a Sea Walk or a Bodyboarding Adventure with me, I recommend you schedule a date while they are still available. Sessions are on a first-come-first-served basis.

The Sea Has Been A Real Gift From God To Me

The Creator has used the sea in my life to heal body, mind, and soul, and to renew my faith and restore my vision and purpose in life. There is nothing like it. Come take a walk with me by the sea or catch a few waves with me as we bodyboard together.

I end with the Ancient Irish Celtic blessing:

“The blessings of heaven,
The blessings of earth,
The blessings of sea and sky.
On those, we love this day
and on every human family
the gifts of heaven,
the gifts of earth,
the gifts of sea and of sky.”